
Exclusive to Risk Insurance & Reinsurance, this new product is an Individual Disability Income Product that is Guaranteed Renewable to Age 67!

The Value of FLEX DI

This enhanced product offers the richest impaired plan design in the US. The following benefits are including in the quote for you to take advantage of when selling FLEX DI:

  • Client is Underwritten ONLY ONCE
  • Level Rates – Guaranteed Level Premium to Age 67!
  • Coverage cannot be terminated for any reason
  • Competitive pricing & flexible plan designs aligning with standard domestic carriers, such as elimination periods as short as 30-days and benefit periods up to 10-years
  • Benefits reset per disabling event
  • Coverage includes Partial Disability & Mental/Nervous Benefits
  • Own Occupation Definitions available for full length of the benefit period
  • Limited to no restrictions or exclusions on Pre-existing Conditions* such as Cardiac & Diabetes

*Per Underwriters Discretion

Product Details

  • Guaranteed Renewable to Age 67
    • Issue Ages to 18 to 62 (Age of last birthday)
  • Monthly Benefit up to $25,000
  • Longer Benefit Periods: 2, 3, 5, 7 or 10-Years
  • Shorter Elimination Periods: 30, 60, 90, 180, 365, 730-Days
  • Own Occupation Rider Benefit Available

Target Markets

  • White Collar Professionals
  • Blue Collar Professionals
  • Business Owners
  • Medical Occupations
  • Specialty Niche